Terms for the use

CRED INTERNATIONAL (hereinafter referred to as the "company") stipulates the following terms for the use of "Wellness Booker" (hereinafter referred to as the "website"), a comprehensive information website on the web (both for PCand mobile), and the pertaining services such as e-mail distribution and other information provision services (hereinafter referred to as "website" and "service"). The user of the service (hereinafter referred to as the "user") is to agree with these terms before using the service.

Article 1 (Scope of the terms, application)

  • The terms stipulated here will be applied to the users of this service. The company will permit the use of the service when the user agrees to these terms.
  • The company will notify users about the terms of the service through the website as necessary.
  • If the new notification conflicts with the terms stipulated here, the notification will be prioritized.
  • Aside from the main text of the terms of use, notifications stipulated in item 2 of this article will be a part of the main terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "terms of use & other terms").

Article 2 (Change of terms of use & other terms)

  • The company may change the terms of use without notification or permission from the users if necessary.
  • The new term will come in effect as soon as it is displayed on the website.

Article 3 (About using the service)

  • The user must comply with the terms stipulated here.
  • Services for registered members (hereinafter referred to as "member") only (hereinafter referred to as "member service") are limited to members. Users who wish to use member services must register on the website first.
  • The company is not responsible for troubles(includes but not limited to troubles caused by mistakes found on the website) between the user and the listed stores (hereinafter referred to as "listings") if it was not intentional or due to negligence. Please contact the store directly.
  • The user must prepare the necessary telecommunication equipment, software, and other devices (hereinafter referred to as "user equipment") required to use this service and must pay for all communication/Internet fees pertaining to the use of this service.

Article 4 (Temporary suspension of the service)

  • The company may suspend the use of the service without notice or permission from the users in case of the following.
    • For maintenance or updating the system specs
    • Upon emergencies such as natural disasters that make it difficult/impossible to continue providing the service
    • When the company decides it necessary to suspend the service for the good of the service or other reasons
  • If the service gets suspended due to the reasons shown above, the company will not be responsible for any losses incurred during the suspension period.

Article 5 (Deleting/terminating users from the service)

  • If the user qualifies for any of the following, the company may delete/terminate the user without notification.
    • When the user does not exist
    • When the user submits false information
    • When the user does not comply with the items in this term
    • Other cases when the company finds it necessary

Article 6 (Our responsibility)

  • The company works hard to provide trustworthy information and services to our users, but the company will not guarantee the following. When using the service, please make your own judgments and use the services responsibly.
    • Usefulness, compatibility, integrity, accuracy, safety, legitimacy, up-to-date information for all information provided in this service (includes information shown on the website and all other information found on the websites and links of 3rd party websites, the same applies for the items below)
    • All actions between the user and the registered stores/third parties such as reservations and contracts
    • Guarantee that all the items/services/information acquired through the website and the service will satisfy the needs of the user
    • Guarantee that there will be no system failures or troubles for the service
    • Guarantee that the e-mails and web contents related to the website will never contain harmful things like computer viruses
  • The company is not responsible for any damages brought on by the use of this service (includes but not limited to acts of providing information by third parties) or the inability to make use of the service (includes but not limited to damages stipulated in items of this article, damages brought on by third parties as stipulated in the last 2 items, mental anguish, and other financial damages) unless it was intentional or due to negligence.
    • Damages brought on by content downloads provided by listed stores and third parties or access to links/websites managed by third parties
    • Damages brought on by unpermitted changes made to the service, illegal access to data, computer viruses, and other fraud practices, regardless of the safety precautions taken by the company
    • Damages brought on by system failure of telecommunication, computers, servers, systems, suspension/delay/termination of the service, or loss of data
  • Even if the company is responsible for the items shown in previous items, the compensation will be limited to direct and regular damages.

Article 7 (Prohibited matter)

  • To ensure that all users can enjoy their experience, the following acts are not permitted by the users
    • Providing false information and other acts that may lead to such acts
    • Criminal activities and other acts that may lead to such acts
    • Disturbing public order and standards of decency and other acts that may lead to such acts
    • Acts that may damage the listed stores, other users, copyright of the company, property rights, privacy, and other rights
    • Discrimination/slander towards listed stores, other users, and third parties or acts that may damage the company
    • Acts of commercial purposes though the service or related services
    • Partially or completely changing/deleting information on the website or other acts that may lead to such acts
    • Disturbing/destroying the network system of the service or other acts that may lead to such acts
    • One user registering multiple accounts or using other's information to log in
    • Acquiring registered information of other users through fraud (such as phishing and other methods).
    • Related persons of listed stores submitting "reviews"
    • Any other acts that may aid in any of the above (such as posting links)
    • Other unacceptable acts that the company finds inappropriate
  • The company may terminate the service/delete membership/claim damages and take any other action (includes but not limited to legal action) necessary towards the user who violates any of the items above or takes action that the company finds inappropriate.
  • If the user violates item 1 or item 2 of this article and damages the company, listed stores, or third parties, the user must compensate for all damages at his/her own expense.

Article 8 (Dealing with personal information )

  • The company respects the privacy of users. The company will take special care in managing personal information of the users. Personal information acquired through the service will be handled in accordance with the "privacy policy".

Article 9 (Negotiable rights and obligations)

  • The user may not transfer their rights as the user of this service or use them as collateral to third parties unless they gain permission from the company.

Article 10 (Management of e-mail address and password)

  • Registered users are responsible for managing their e-mail address and password. The company is not responsible for any damages incurred by inaccurate/false information provided upon registration.
  • Our company, e-mail address and password entered at login, if you check more in a predetermined manner that matches the registered e-mail address and password, regarded as the login and genuine subscribers log in, by the registrant it considers the use.

Article 11 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  • This terms of service is interpreted using the laws of Japan. The exclusive agreement jurisdictional court for any lawsuits related to this service will be Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court.

Supplementary provision
Enforcement September 19, 2014


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