Privacy policy

Basic policy

The website will take the appropriate measures to manage personal information of users and prevent leak of information or illegal access. The employees will comply with all laws related to personal information protection as well as other laws. We will gather/manage/protect personal information appropriately and never use them for other purposes.

Personal information

Name, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, and other information will be stored as personal information to identify users. When sending an inquiry or participating in a sweepstakes, we will ask you to enter the necessary information.

Utilization purpose of personal information

The website will only use personal information for the purposes listed below. When using personal information for anything else, the company will contact the users accordingly.
To provide services to registered users
To provide after-service to registered users
To provide information and references requested by the users
To send gifts/prizes related to registered events/sweepstakes
For surveys regarding the service
To respond to inquiries from customers
Information management and safety measures
Providing customer information to business partners
The website will sometimes provide minimal personal information to business partners if necessary. When doing so, the company will check and direct business partners to make sure they are handling all the information appropriately.

Provision of information to third parties

The website will never provide personal information to third parties without permission. However, this is not the case in any of the following.

When it is required by law

When it is necessary to protect someone's life/wellbeing or assets and we cannot acquire permission
When it is necessary to protect public order and standards of decency and we cannot acquire permission
When it is necessary to cooperate with national organizations, local organizations, or any other organizations commissioned to proceed with legal actions, and asking for permission may negatively influence the objective of the legal action

Personal information management and safety measures

This site, your personal information strictly managed, information leakage or loss, also will take adequate safety measures so that there are no unauthorized access and tampering.
The website has a personnel in charge of personal information and implements proper education and training towards employees
If the website finds it necessary to transfer personal information to business partners, the website will sign a contract that stipulates strict management of the information and conduct inspections accordingly.

Changes in privacy policy

The terms may change in accordance with the service. In such cases, the new privacy policy will be posted on the website.


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